Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why pole dance?

Flaunty Fun: pole dancing is a great way to lose your inhibitions, flaunt what you’ve got, and fell sensual about yourself. As well as learning a new skill, you’ll experience a seductive sense of freedom as you express your sexuality in a positive way.

Sexy Fun: you’ll be amazed this is a great way to heat things up in the bedroom. You’ll be amazed how much your self-esteem and confidence grow as you begin to learn the moves and put together your own sexy routines. Take on your exotic persona and blow your partner’s mind away. Choose your music and an outfit that completes the fantasy and hold on tight, prepare to release your kitten and get raunchy!!!

Fitness: a good pole dancing session is equivalent to a fun work out. It’s especially good for exercising all those sexy muscles that don’t usually see light of day, and it can be easygoing or as strenuous as you wish. When the music starts pumping, so will your adrenaline!! Grab a pole and get to know a new and sexier you.