Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pole History

Pole dancing has been around longer than we think. Tracked to the ancient Sumerian Times. This form of exotic performance dance art are enticing and teasing. 1900's the strip tease dance was added to burlesques shows to entice men to return. These featured famous strippers including gypsy Lee Rose. Traveling tent shows had strip tease acts, the smaller tent dancers started to use the pole in the tent's center to dance around.
The tents became known as the dance pole tents, the earliest recorded pole dance was in 1968 with a performance by Beke Jangles at Mugwamp strip joint in Oregon. In the 1980's Fawnia Mandey, originally from Canada is one of the world's first pole dancing champions. During the 1990's Fawnia started teaching pole dancing to every day women. She produced the very first instructional pole dancing DVD.

In pole dancing it’s all about you discovering your inner feeling of sexy. Showing off your hot body and just stepping out of the box. It’s important that you’re in the right frame of mind before you start. You’ll find it very liberating experience. Your confidence will explode and you’ll release your inner kitten (meow, meow). After a while the moves will become second nature. Remember, the key is to not take it too seriously, let your hair down, and have a giggle.